Spring Break Of Code, Day Four
The main sound on top of the ocean is the click clack of laptop keys,
and the jangle of test calls and SMSes. A neighbor stopped by to
comment that we must be the next Facebook, the next Google; working
instead of surfing made sense in his mind only in the land of money at
the end of the tunnel. He loaned us his stand up paddle boards, surely
expecting a return on investment 10 fold down the line when we exited
into the sunset. A journalist visiting Open Whisper Systems’ Spring
Break of Code commented that she expected more philosophy, politics,
and conversation. After all this group is composed of people who are
not only technologists, but also open source evangelists, activists,
and humanists. Lilia went over
some of the why, but practically anyone
could see we were concentrating on the how, and in the frenzied silence
it was clear that a common philosophy was assumed and what bound us
here was the challenges in the technology to power that philosophy.