Introducing Media Browser Player : Win 8.1 App

I have been very impressed with the Media Browser web interface, it is simple but at the same time fully functional with all browsing and management functions at your fingertips.

I wanted to use the web interface for my daily use on my Surface RT and Windows 8.1 laptop but the web browser playback experience was very poor with limited functionality and stability. What I wanted was the web interface but with a solid streaming playback solution.

What I came up with was a new simple player that integrates with the default web interface and automatically intercepts play commands to play the result in its own player.

When started the client loads the main Media Browser web interface and auto sets the Remote to control the local instance of the applications streaming player, this mean all play commands are now sent to the local custom player.

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Play actions including resumes are now sent to the “Media Browser Player” which is waiting for these actions.

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When the playback starts the new player pops up.

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The player interface has a lot of information, to hide the info just tap the video and it will go full screen.

I have tried to include as much of the streaming transcode information as possible, this information can help you diagnose problems, for example if you are experiencing a lot of buffering it could be due to the speed of the transcode not keeping up or it could be that your wifi is not able to keep up. Both of these can be diagnosed with this interface.

Finally I wanted as much control over the streaming setting as I could get so I added whatever I could find to the streaming settings.

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While this is not everything it is enough to get you started with experimenting with different streaming settings in your environment.

This app is not for everyone, it is more for the people what want a better streaming playback experiences than the default web interface can supply but still want the the flexibility and power of the default web interface.

Grab it form the app store now

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